We provide inpatient and outpatient services as a Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Unit in our hospital.
The average number of outpatient physical therapy patients taken daily is 50.
Physical medicine and Rehabilitation Unit, 3 bed Rehabilitation in this new area, electrotherapy, 4 cabins, hiking trails, such as many modern devices, physiotherapy specialist, 1, 4 physiotherapists, physiotherapy technician, 2, 2 nurses and 1 medical receptionist hotel. .
Groups of patients for whom we perform physical therapy:
Patients undergoing neurological rehabilitation:
Stroke, Head Injuries, Cerebral Palsy, Parkinson's, Gullian Barre, Spinal Cord Injuries, Polyneuropathies, Peripheral Nerve Injuries,
Patients undergoing orthopedic rehabilitation:
Hip, knee replacement, Fracture Rehabilitation, anterior cruciate ligament and meniscus tear, knee, hip pain, plantar fasciitis, lateral epicondylitis, Waist, neck pain, sciatic pain, shoulder and other joint pain, tendon injuries due to cuts in hand, ankylosing spondylitis and other rheumatic diseases