For the peace of mind, health and comfort of our patients, we ask that our visitors and their companions pay attention to the following issues during their time with our patients.
Informing About the Rules That Your Companions Must Follow:
· Only one companion is allowed to stay for each patient, taking into account the situations that the doctor deems appropriate
are provided.
· After the hospitalization of your patient, you and your patient will be introduced to your room by the service nurse
and your bed will be shown.
· You will be informed about the hospitalization process by the unit nurse during your hospitalization.
· In case of any emergency, you need to press the nurse call button at the bedside of your bed
it will be enough for his nurse to come to you.
· The telephone connection to the inpatient rooms ends at 21:00 at night.
· Decoupage of the escort is carried out only from 13.00 to 14.00.
* Flowers brought by visitors may adversely affect the health of our patients
den should not be kept in patient rooms, if possible, it should be placed in front of doors.
· Out of clinics without the knowledge of a doctor or nurse until your inpatient patient is discharged
their exit is inappropriate from the point of view of patient health and safety.